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In Which I Write About Writing

October 2, 2013

On Writing Natalie Mueller Comments Off on In Which I Write About Writing

I’ve decided I’m not happy with my website in it’s current state and have further decided not to redesign it until I know precisely what I want and precisely how to achieve those wants. I’ve figured about 80% of it out, but am still on the fence about getting started.

First off, time is an issue. An issue in that I have very little of it available for such a large task. On the other hand, I’d like my website to be what I want it to be as soon as humanly possible. But that’s just it, I’m a human. A human with 2-4 improv shows a week and a month+ run of The Rocky Horror Show opening this weekend. A human who works 9-5 in a branding and design firm and then goes home [if I don’t have a show or rehearsal after work] and works on a number of freelance copywriting projects. A human who just took up boxing and is trying to squeeze as much bag time in her schedule as possible.

And a human who loves to read and write for herself too.

Now, I’m not complaining about being busy. Quite the contrary. I love each of those commitments to bits. I love them more than I love sitting at a computer rebuilding my website for the umpteenth time. That is why they are happening and the website is…well…getting there. Right now I’m in spreadsheet/diagram mode trying to figure out what content I want and how I want it presented and, you know, how you can find stuff you want and stuff.

Secondly, we have the hold up. The real hold up is that I don’t know what to do with this thing. Not the website, I understand it’s purpose and am trying to get it to be better at serving that purpose. THIS thing. This blog. Why keep it? It takes up space on what could otherwise be a pretty presentation of my work and who I am as a writer. But, I’m a writer, a writer’s website should have a blog. But I have one…sort of. I have several:

  • I have a Tumblr that I use for general Tumbling.
  • I have a Tumblr I use to host incomplete/first draft versions of my creative writing musings.
  • I have a Scribd I use to post “final drafts” [as you can see, it’s been a while since it’s been updated].
  • And, I just got a Medium which I haven’t used yet, but appears to be the perfect platform for any more blog-type blogs I may write.

So why keep this? I hardly update it, it’s unfocused and it really serves no purpose outside of SEO [vomit].

I’m still working through it, but I think my answer is in this post’s title. Should I keep this on my site it will be for one reason: to write about writing. It won’t hold creative writing, old clippings, obnoxiously bloggy blog posts or what have you. It will hold words about my words. Things like my approach to writing, why I write, my thoughts on copywriting, musings about freelance, words about other creatives, where you can hear or see my words at reading series/in lit mags, etc.

If it stays, that is why.

And so it was written. And so it shall be.

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