Creatives are a fascinating breed of beasts and, like any wild creature, you can learn a lot by studying them in their natural habitat. This, along with a deep-seeded fascination with people’s individual styles, the psychology of space/color and a general interest in everyone’s desktop knick knacks, is the inspiration behind Creative Spaces, a new blog series exploring creatives and their workstations.
Love a little clutter or need a clean slate? Cozy or spread out? Spotless or strategically messy? Photos of friends or family? Novelty mug or classic white ceramic? These may seem like meaningless preferences, but I believe that our little workspace habits say a lot about who we are and how we create.
With that idea in mind, I set out to chat with as many different types of creatives as possible in order to explore their work, workspace and workflow. The first Tuesday of every month, I will be posting an interview with a different creative and hopefully providing a glimpse into their personal creative headquarters.
Join me and music director/composer, Brad Kemp, later this week on our first edition of Creative Spaces.
Interested in being a part of the Creative Spaces series? Contact me.
Tagged with: blog • chicago creative • creative spaces • creatives • creativity • freelance chicago copywriter • workflow • workspace
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